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MAIL-in Voting Act
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Support the Massachusetts MAIL-in Voting Act

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It's time to make vote-by-mail permanent in Massachusetts! In 2020, more than 40% of eligible Bay State voters cast ballots provided by mail. It's a tried and true method that's been working in other states for years, and now we know it can work here too.


Add your name to support the Massachusetts MAIL-in Voting Act (An Act Modernizing Access and Improving Laws in Voting), crafted and filed by State Senator Becca Rausch in January 2021. Check out early press coverage in the Boston Globe and The Sun Chronicle. The bill will permanently establish and improve mail voting in Massachusetts, create a permanent mail voter status option and automatically enroll 2020 mail-in voters, set a mandatory ballot drop ratio, advance our state primary from September to June, provide two hours of paid time off for voting, and implement several other important election reforms that enhance access to the ballot box.


Equity must be at the center of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout. Black and Latinx Bay Staters have been the hardest hit by this pandemic, and yet they have received the vaccine at rates drastically lower than the overall population. A collaboration between legislators and infectious disease experts, the COVID-19 Vaccine Equity Act will generate racial, economic, and regional equity in COVID vaccination throughout Massachusetts.

Add your name to support the COVID-19 Vaccine Equity Act, filed by State Senators Becca Rausch & Sonia Chang-Diaz and State Representatives Liz Miranda & Mindy Domb in February 2021. Just some of the equity-focused advancements in the bill:

  • director of COVID vaccination equity and outreach

  • vaccine vehicle program to get vaccines to residents of COVID hot spot communities across MA

  • direct vaccination education, outreach, and assistance to hardest-hit communities

  • Stop the Spread testing sites in all gateway cities

  • real transparency on implementation protocols and equity-focused data collection and publication

Support the COVID-19 Vaccine Equity Act

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Support the Community Immunity Act

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Now more than ever before, Massachusetts must seriously strengthen its infectious disease prevention infrastructure. The current state of our youth immunization law is Swiss cheese at best. It's full of holes, and those holes have led to significant confusion, widely disparate implementation of vaccine requirements and exemptions, and serious public health gaps that threaten the health and safety of communities all across the Commonwealth. We don't even have complete vaccination rate data.


Add your name to support the Community Immunity Act, filed by State Senator Becca Rausch and State Representatives Paul Donato and Andy Vargas. The bill does three key things: (1) requires complete vaccination rate data reporting and publication for programs that serve young people; (2) supports targeted education and outreach about vaccine safety, efficacy, and accessibility to program-based communities at an elevated risk for illness due to a loss of herd immunity; and (3) standardizes and centralizes immunization requirements and exemption protocols within DPH.

Read more about the bill and check out these maps showing our widespread loss of localized herd immunity.

vaccine equity
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