Voter Registration Deadline:
Primary: Saturday, August 22
General: Saturday, October 24
Deadline for election official to receive your ballot application:
​Primary: Wed, August 26, 5PM
General: Wed, October 28, 5PM
In-person early voting:
Primary:​ August 22-26
General: October 17-30
Election Day:
Primary:​ Tuesday, September 1
General: Tuesday, November 3
If you're not registered, you can't vote!
Click to check your voter registration status using this easy form.
2020 Massachusetts Election Dates
Wednesday, February 12: last day to register to vote and change party enrollment for presidential primary
Monday-Friday, February 24-28: early voting for presidential primary
Tuesday, March 3: presidential primary election ("Super Tuesday")
Wednesday, August 12: last day to register to vote and change party enrollment for primary election
Tuesday, September 1: primary election (all races other than presidential)
Wednesday, October 14: last day to register to vote and change party enrollment for general election
Monday, October 19 - Friday, October 30: early voting for general election
Tuesday, November 3: general election (all races, including presidential)